A Liturgy for the Morning of Your Wedding

I wrote this liturgy for a friend the morning she got married—I knew the day would be stressful and hectic, but that it would also be one of the most meaningful pictures of Jesus in her life.

If you have a friend getting married, please pass it on to them. I wish them the peace of Christ this day, and forever.

With the sun, glad hearts rise,
Ready to echo the most beautiful picture:
The story of redemption between Christ and His bride.

Though there may be stress this day,
God’s truth is never in question:
I love you, I love you,
I will sacrifice for you, I love you.

Though things will go not to plan,
God’s truth is secure:
I bought you, I paid the price, I will come for my bride.

In this union, before my family and friends,
Let me not forget the deep purpose,
The most beautiful meaning,
A glorious picture that will play out,
as I approach the alter,
a place of sacrifice,
To begin a marriage built on sacrificial love.

Calm my heart this morning,
Focus my affections,
Lead me this day and forever,


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Author and Creative Director for Every Woman a Theologian, husband, dad, and Jesus follower.

Reach me at 1321 Upland Drive, Apt 18241, Houston TX 77043

or mail@ericnovak.com
