When I lived in Seattle, the church I attended ran small groups where several people would share their life stories and allow other group members and leaders to speak into their stories and bring the gospel into their lives. Through this process, many people,...
Book Reviews
World View: Seeking Grace and Truth in Our Common Life
Since the advent of blogging, books in column format have become much more accepted. They're short, they're easy to read, and they're unobtrusive. However, they're also generally sporadic. The authors have a hard time staying on track or keeping to the main theme-...
Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith
When I picked up Forensic Faith, I thought I was getting a catchy Christian book, that was going to make some clever parallels between police work and faith, not a the writings of an author who actually have worked in homicide for most of his career. I was totally...
Getting Jesus Wrong: Giving Up Spiritual Vitamins and Checklist Christianity
I couldn’t read Matt Johnson’s book without associating him with my time at Mars Hill church in Seattle, Washington. Although it’s been several years since our church fell apart due to sinful leadership, I’m a slow processor and many of my feelings remain unresolved...