
Resources on Arminianism

Resources on Arminianism

If you're studying Arminianism, I've got some excellent resources for you– and because I'm reformed, they're primarily from a reformed perspective! I'm kidding, but these are just excellent reads. First: Arminius and the Remonstrants Second: Watershed Differences...

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5 Ways to Spot a Healthy Church

5 Ways to Spot a Healthy Church

Recent studies have shown that the American church is in decline, and America will soon follow the UK and become post-Christian (if it's not already). However, in this time, God has poured out His grace on many churches in...

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3 Steps to Avoid Internet Conflict

3 Steps to Avoid Internet Conflict

The internet could be easily described as a minefield and nobody walks through a maze of IEDs without getting hurt, or hurting someone else. Observing the minefield doesn't just happen once, your course must be charted each and every time you plan to cross it. In your...

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You Make a Useless Savior

You Make a Useless Savior

I'll admit it freely: Guys want to fix problems. We want things to be normal. But maybe it isn't just a guy thing- don't we all want a peaceful existence? Don't we all life to go smoothly without hiccups or glitches? Call It What...

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Three Valuable Lessons My Father Taught Me

I don't think any of us realize how important our fathers are, until we move away from home. I've lived on my own for about three years, but always had close access to my father, until I moved out of state last September. Calling the family up has become sort of a...

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5 Things Good Mothers Aren’t

I grew up in a stable home, and I'm grateful for the way that my parents raised me. Mom always gave me enough space to become a man, enough rules to learn responsibility and enough grace to understand just how unconditional God's love is. She also raised me...

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Thoughts on Prayer: Narcissism

Communication, communion between two forces and somehow, I am the bearer and recipient without being what it's all about. God talking to God through me- the Holy Spirit working through me, for Him, on my behalf. Prayer is not for me, but for God. It is simply I who...

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5 Reasons Why Your Debate Isn’t Helpful

Danger is part of life. I walk out of my door in the morning and risk hundreds of disasters. I could step off the curb and a car could run over me. I could step off the bus and be assaulted by any number of people. I could crash my car into any number of obstacles....

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3 Ways Christ Redeems Sinners from Porn

I moved from Chicago to Seattle in September. A new city, a new place that I wasn’t familiar with, a bunch of people I didn’t know and a brand-new church. It was a little scary, but lets just say that if you want to build genuine relationships with people, you should...

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Author and Creative Director for Every Woman a Theologian, husband, dad, and Jesus follower.

Reach me at 1321 Upland Drive, Apt 18241, Houston TX 77043

or mail@ericnovak.com
